BBQ Tips for your Labor Day Weekend 2014

Labor Day is almost here and many of us are looking forward to firing up the grill as we celebrate Summer’s last hurrah. Whether you’ll be enjoying hot dogs, hamburgers or some delicious roasted vegetables, the air this coming Monday will be filled with the heady aromas of outdoor cooking.
We hope you enjoy this time with the people that matter most to you. And we also want you to remember that safety comes first when operating, or being around a hot grill. So, here are a few tips for grill safety so that you and your family can have an enjoyable and safe holiday weekend!
Grill outdoors, not in tents, campers, garages or other enclosed areas. Carbon monoxide can build up.
Keep your grill stable so it can’t be tipped over.
Try not to wear clothing or aprons that can get caught or catch fire.
Never move a hot grill! You could burn yourself or start a fire.
Never leave your lit grill unattended.
Keep the fire under control. If it flares up, close the lid and shut it off.
Long handled utensils will keep you from burning your hands.
Read your owner’s manual and call the manufacturer if you have any questions about how to use your grill.
We hope these tips help you and yours have an enjoyable and safe holiday weekend!
Labor Day Weekend 2014.