Spring Cleaning & Insurance Review Time

Did that recent, brief, breath of warm weather inspire your annual Spring cleaning urge? We think it’s also a great time for an insurance review.
It’s that time of year again, or at least we hope it will be soon! We’ve had quite and up and down Winter-into-Spring here in the northeast, but there are high hopes we’ll actually have warm weather very soon.
That makes it the perfect time to review your insurance. Perhaps you haven’t looked at it in a while, or you’ve been with the same carrier for years and are due some new discounts that didn’t exist when you first wrote the policies. Here are some things to consider:
Have you installed an alarm system in your home? An actively reporting central station alarm system can give you a big discount on your Homeowner’s insurance policy.
Does your home insurance policy include Off Premises Theft coverage? And if it does, do you really need it? This coverage can add a lot to your premium and you might not even know you have it. It offers coverage up to 10% of your personal property limit for theft of your belongings while they are temporarily away from your home, such as when you are on vacation or if they are stolen from your car. If you would never consider using this coverage, why pay for it?
Have you taken a Defensive Driving Course? If you took one within the last three years, you are due a credit on your auto policy. That’s how long the credit is good for and it can be for up to 10% of your premium! And now, you can take the class online. Check out the link on our main page.
Have your tickets or accidents aged out of the rating period? The standard rating period is 39 months for many insurance companies. If your incidents are older than that, you may be eligible for a lower rate on your insurance. We would be happy to quote your coverage for you. Give us a call at 914-234-5678.
These are just a few of the ways you could lower your insurance premiums and we would be more than happy to review your current policies and look for those lower quotes for you. It’s time for a Spring cleanup. Give us a call at 914-234-5678 or email us at info@avalonagency.com with your contact information.
Happy Spring cleaning!