Protect Your Valuable Belongings with Renters Insurance

Your possessions have worth, so when you rent an apartment or house, you need insurance that covers you and your belongings.Renters insurance can cover:
- furniture
- clothing
- appliances
- many other personal belongings
- some of the improvements you’ve made to the rental unit
- covered items you take while traveling
- additional living expenses if you have to move out during repairs
Personal liability coverage can provide protection if a guest is accidentally injured while in your home, or their property is dmaged and the damage is caused by:
- you, members of your household or your pets
- your personal activities
Your policy can also cover you for costs associated with defending you in a lawsuit related to an injury or property damage.
Additional Optional Renters Insurance Coverage
Personal Articles Coverage can protect specific high-value items.
Valuable Items Plus provides broader coverage for special property such as jewelry, silverware, fine arts, furs, cameras, guns, musical instruments, and personal computers – without the inconvenience of an appraisal or listing of the insured items.
Contents Replacement Cost can cover the cost to most personal property in your apartment with no deduction for depreciation.
Enhanced Home Protection bundles together the most popular optional coverages to broaden and expand the coverages provided by your basic policy. It includes contents replacement cost.
Save Money
You may qualify for a discount if your home is equipped with:
- burglar alarm
- smoke detectors
- deadbolt locks
- fire extinguishers